Community Matching and Legal Clinics for Statelessness
With UNHCR Italy, to promote integration and social cohesion between local communities, refugees, and stateless individuals.
Rights-Based Medicine in Africa – Phase 2
With EMERGENCY to address inequities in the healthcare system in Uganda and Sudan.
Progetto in supporto ai braccianti agricoli in Campania e Sicilia
With EMERGENCY to support agricultural workers in severe vulnerability.
Costruire futuri: Promuovere la pace attraverso l’Educazione
With Un Ponte Per, to promote peace through education in Raqqa.
K.H.O.ST – Cure e trattamenti dedicati alle donne in età fertile e ai bambini in Afghanistan
With Medici Senza Frontiere, to ensure healthcare for women and children in Afghanistan.
3 ottobre la memoria degli oggetti
With Carta di Roma to create a commemorative exhibition with items belonging to the victims of the shipwreck of 3 October 2013
Circoli Rifugio – Più corridoi per la libertà
With ARCI, supporting humanitarian corridors for refugees fleeing Libya and Afghanistan, providing them with protection and reception in Italy.
DREAM: Protection for the vulnerable population of Beira 2024
Protecting the population in Beira, Mozambique, especially individuals with specific vulnerabilities.
Community Matching 2024
With UNHCR Italy, communities and refugees together for integration and social cohesion.
Medicina dei diritti in Africa
With Emergency to address the inequity of the global health care system.
Sostegno alle vittime di violenza familiare – Refuge LGBT+. Phase II
Together with Gay Center to support young victims of violence and abuse within their family unit.
Spazio Plus – Arcobaleno
With the Italian Red Cross, protecting the social and labor rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals.