You can assign the 8×1000 of your individual income tax (IRPEF) to the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai, pursuant to art. 18 of Law no. 130/2016, by signing in the dedicated slot of your individual income tax return form.
In the dedicated section, you simply need to sign your name in the right slot; there is no need to include the fiscal code of the recipient.
Embracing the value of Buddhist humanism as its guiding principle, on 2 October 2016 the National Council of the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai decided to use 8×1000 funds to support social and humanitarian activities.
Based on the guidelines for the use of 8×1000 funds for 2023, the new projects that will be implemented and funded belong to the following areas of intervention: Human rights, Education, Environment and Culture.
Paying close attention to the guiding principles of the Soka Gakkai, priority has been given to human rights education, environmental protection and disarmament, with a particular focus on the most fragile groups in society and on creating solidarity networks.