Our 8x1000 funds support education, culture and peace.

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Guidelines for the use of 2024 funds.

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One million euros for the emergencies in Ukraine, Yemen, and Syria

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Buddhist humanism is the founding principle of our values

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The Soka Gakkai promotes a global movement for peace

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Our projects

In progress


With UNDP Italy to tackle the climate emergency by supporting innovative solutions implemented by young people around the world.

In progress


Transforming the human spirit for a world free from nuclear weapons. Striving for empowerment and peace education.

In progress

“Spazi Comuni” — Community Matching

In collaboration with UNHCR, developing and promoting the integration of refugees in Italy.

In progress

Youth for Love

In collaboration with ActionAid Italy to prevent gender-based violence among teens.


In & Aut. Al lavoro per l’inclusione

Increasing the resilience of physically and mentally vulnerable NEET youth. So that no one is left behind.

About us

In Italy the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai (IBISG) is a religious organization recognized by the State and affiliated to the Soka Gakkai. It actively promotes the values of peace, culture and education in society

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Funds pledged to May, 31st 2023


Total projects


People reached


Individual project reports can be consulted after each project has ended

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