In progress

Different species for one planet

With Vitadacani ODV to save animals in distress.

In progress

GIVE ME FIVE – Activating educational alliances around schools

With Oxfam Italy to counter the phenomenon of educational poverty.

In progress

Support to farm labourers in Campania, Calabria and Sicily

With Emergency to support agricultural labourers in severe conditions of vulnerability

In progress

“Spazi Comuni” — Community Matching

In collaboration with UNHCR, developing and promoting the integration of refugees in Italy.

In progress

Youth4Climate: Call for solutions

With UNDP Italy to tackle the climate emergency by supporting innovative solutions implemented by young people around the world.

In progress

Medicina dei diritti in Africa

With Emergency to address the inequity of the global health care system.

In progress


Transforming the human spirit for a world free from nuclear weapons. Striving for empowerment and peace education.

In progress

Cambio io, cambia il mondo

With the Italian Buddhist Institute Soka Gakkai, support the inner transformation to make each and every one a protagonist in the challenge against climate change.

In progress

Refugee Circles – More corridors for freedom

With ARCI, supporting humanitarian corridors for refugees fleeing Libya and Afghanistan, providing them with protection and reception in Italy.

In progress

Maschile Plurale

Promoting change and men’s awareness to contribute to the fight against gender-based violence.


3 ottobre la memoria degli oggetti

With Carta di Roma to create a commemorative exhibition with items belonging to the victims of the shipwreck of 3 October 2013

In progress

Climate Change? We act the change

In collaboration with Fondazione ACRA to strengthen the environmental conscience of younger generations.