K.H.O.ST – Cure e trattamenti dedicati alle donne in età fertile e ai bambini in Afghanistan

Key Health Opportunities STrengthened in Khost – Healthcare and treatment for women of childbearing age and children in the Khost province, Afghanistan  

In progress Human rights

Starting date

8 July 2024


12 months

Realized by:

Medici Senza Frontiere


Improve access to free, high-quality sexual and reproductive health services for women of childbearing age and provide obstetric and neonatal care for children and their mothers in the Khost province.

Strengthen medical response capacity and healthcare management and support the strategy of decentralized community-based primary care by ensuring the quality of services through professional development for healthcare workers and midwives, along with the provision of tools and medicines.

Afghanistan has one of the highest maternal and child mortality rates globally. For over 40 years, Afghan women have been denied education, resulting in a shortage of female healthcare and paramedical staff to care for women in labor, who, for cultural reasons, can only be assisted by other women.  

Due to economic impoverishment, specialized care is inaccessible, and the lack of female staff results in two-thirds of births occurring at home without assistance.  

The repression of women’s conditions has led to one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, with an estimated 396 deaths per 100,000 live births.  

Through this project, focused on sexual and reproductive health (SRH), free, high-quality maternal and pediatric healthcare services are provided in the Khost province to 18,000 women and 1,800 children.  

The intervention particularly includes the provision of Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care services and family planning services for women.