NEET Youth

2021 call for proposals for Italy, area of intervention:"Education"


Expired Education

Expiring date

30 November 2021

Minimum contribution per project::

100.000,00 €

Maximum contribution per project::

200.000,00 €

The goal is supporting a full and harmonious development of youth’s humanity by activating in them the resources they need to build their life and their future, as well as their desire to contribute to a peace culture. This is to be achieved by funding and co-funding training programs in Italy that also include opportunities for first time employment, with a particular focus on Green Jobs and digital skills for NEET youth living in Southern Italy.

Specific objectives:

  • Creating education opportunities and emancipation experiences for NEET youth;
  • Experimenting with new forms of engagement so that youth’s active participation in social and work contexts becomes usual practice;
  • Collecting data on the projects implemented so as to gather insights on the NEET phenomenon.

The deadline to reach 21 of the 169 Targets of the 2030 Agenda was in 2020. Italy is still far from reaching internationally defined values or from the average ones in the main European countries. The 2020 targets included Target 8.6: substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET). The reference indicator is the percentage of people between the ages of 15 and 29 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). Despite a slight improvement in recent years, the Italian situation is still very concerning and thinking that we can achieve a “substantial” reduction of the phenomenon is unrealistic, especially in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

This call for proposals intends to support initiatives pursuing the objectives identified for thearea of intervention on “Education”.Education is to be interpreted in a broad sense as a tool for growth and inner freedom. It includes every action that can bring out the unique potential of each individual and guide them towards a vision of the world and their own active role based on the respect for life in its every form.