Dialogues on Actions for Climate Empowerment


These days (June 8-10), the ACE Dialogue event (Action for Climate Empowerment Dialogue) is taking place in Bonn as part of the United Nations Climate Conference (SB60). This crucial initiative aims to raise awareness and engage the public and organizations in actions against climate change, promoting education, training, and public participation. Chiara De Paoli is participating on behalf of the SGI-Italy.

The event was inaugurated by Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), who emphasized that this year is crucial, highlighting the need for fundamental changes that “turn possibilities into probabilities” in the fight against climate change.

He insisted that Nationally Determined Contributions should not remain just on paper but must become living documents through the engagement of local communities. He reiterated the importance of developing suitable tools to support the implementation of actions for climate empowerment, emphasizing that it’s not just about raising awareness but also about effective communication and creating inclusive spaces for engagement.

“Solutions must come from everyone and everywhere. The action we take today will define the path for years to come. Together, we have the right tools—let’s put them to work,” he concluded.

This year, the event focuses on the theme of “Tools & Support,” which is why the Soka Gakkai Italiana was invited to participate. SGI-Italy’s 8×1000 call for proposals for Actions for Climate Empowerment (ACE) was recognized as an innovative tool for raising awareness and promoting concrete actions on this issue, representing a best practice that can inspire others.

In the second part of the event (June 10), Chiara De Paoli from the 8×1000 Office of SGI-Italy spoke during the plenary session, focusing on how to write a strong project proposal. As requested by the UN Secretariat, the day was structured with a practical approach, where initial advice was provided (with contributions from Alisher Mamadzhanov, Climate Policy and Governance Specialist at the Green Climate Fund”) and immediately afterward, participants had the opportunity to engage in practical exercises on writing project proposals.

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