Press release – Fondazione Pangea: a new shelter house

Human rights

A new shelter in a property confiscated from organized crime.

Fondazione Pangea Onlus, after the anti-violence helpline and the semiautonomy house, opens a new facility that will be able to welcome women and children fleeing violent situations. And it does so, not coincidentally, in a facility that has gone from being a symbol of malfeasance to a place of rebirth, protection and autonomy.

This expands the network of services that Pangea makes available to all those who live in fear and want to get out of it. “A commitment carried out for more than 20 years alongside women all over the world, which on this occasion was made possible thanks to the support of 8×1000 funds from the Italian Buddhist Institute Soka Gakkai, which has renewed its trust in us by allowing us to open a service that can save the lives of so many women. We are well aware,” says Simona Lanzoni, vice president of Pangea, “that the Shelter House is only the beginning, but it is an important and necessary beginning. The protection and the guarantee of being welcomed and believed is a fundamental step for those who live in fear and for those who are forced to flee. It represents an important new beginning that with the proper support and our economic, employment and housing reintegration programs will enable women fleeing violent situations to achieve their autonomy, empowerment and freedom,” Lanzoni concludes.

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