K.H.O.ST – Cure e trattamenti dedicati alle donne in età fertile e ai bambini in Afghanistan
With Medici Senza Frontiere, to ensure healthcare for women and children in Afghanistan.
Cambio io, cambia il mondo 2
With the Italian Buddhist Institute Soka Gakkai, support inner transformation to make everyone a protagonist in the fight against climate change.
Senzatomica 24
Transforming the human spirit for a world free from nuclear weapons. A work of empowerment and peace education.
Diverse specie per un solo pianeta – Step 2
With Vitadacani ODV to save animals in need, promoting an empathetic and respectful way of living towards the planet.
Progetto in supporto ai braccianti agricoli in Campania e Sicilia
With EMERGENCY to support agricultural workers in severe vulnerability.
Costruire futuri: Promuovere la pace attraverso l’Educazione
With Un Ponte Per, to promote peace through education in Raqqa.
Rights-Based Medicine in Africa – Phase 2
With EMERGENCY to address inequities in the healthcare system in Uganda and Sudan.
Community Matching and Legal Clinics for Statelessness
With UNHCR Italy, to promote integration and social cohesion between local communities, refugees, and stateless individuals.
Dottorato in peace studies
As part of the 40th cycle of the PhD Program in Peace Studies at Sapienza University, two additional doctoral scholarships are funded.
“Imaginer la Paix”. International Meeting for Peace 2024
Organizing an international meeting for peace based on dialogue. With Comunità di Sant'Egidio.
3 ottobre la memoria degli oggetti
With Carta di Roma to create a commemorative exhibition with items belonging to the victims of the shipwreck of 3 October 2013
Protect people, not borders – L’Europa inizia a Lampedusa
Offering young people opportunities to delve into issues of welcoming, remembrance, migration, and cultural integration.