In progress

Progetto in supporto ai braccianti agricoli in Campania e Sicilia

With EMERGENCY to support agricultural workers in severe vulnerability.

In progress

AHIMSA: Dall’ombra alla luce – Percorsi sperimentali di sostegno per donne e bambini vittime di violenza

With Associazione Cante di Montevecchio ONLUS to support and empower women victims of violence.

In progress

Giovani al centro

With A&I scs Onlus to provide psychological support for incarcerated individuals with mental health challenges.

In progress

CuidArte – Spazio quotidiano di cura, condivisione e creAzione

With GAPP to prevent and treat psychological distress and eating disorders among adolescents and young adults.

In progress

Polo PSI – Per giovani a rischio marginalità

With CIVICOZERO to tackle the mental health challenges of vulnerable youth.

In progress

Percorsi di Inclusione Sociale

With Consorzio Sociale GOEL to enhance services for psychiatric patients in Calabria.

In progress

Safety Net: Together Against Gender-Based Violence

With Arci Valle Susa-Pinerolo Aps to strengthen services for women victims of violence.

In progress

Costruire futuri: Promuovere la pace attraverso l’Educazione 

With Un Ponte Per, to promote peace through education in Raqqa.

In progress

K.H.O.ST – Cure e trattamenti dedicati alle donne in età fertile e ai bambini in Afghanistan

With Medici Senza Frontiere, to ensure healthcare for women and children in Afghanistan.

In progress

Community Matching and Legal Clinics for Statelessness

With UNHCR Italy, to promote integration and social cohesion between local communities, refugees, and stateless individuals.

In progress

Rights-Based Medicine in Africa – Phase 2

With EMERGENCY to address inequities in the healthcare system in Uganda and Sudan.


3 ottobre la memoria degli oggetti

With Carta di Roma to create a commemorative exhibition with items belonging to the victims of the shipwreck of 3 October 2013