Milk (r)evolution
With Comunica Sociale APS to promote the creativity of young artists in Naples.

Safety Net: Together Against Gender-Based Violence
With Arci Valle Susa-Pinerolo Aps to strengthen services for women victims of violence.

With Arcigay Roma Gruppo Ora APS to promote inclusivity and cultural exchange through cinema.

“Imaginer la Paix”. International Meeting for Peace 2024
Organizing an international meeting for peace based on dialogue. With Comunità di Sant'Egidio.

Dottorato in peace studies
As part of the 40th cycle of the PhD Program in Peace Studies at Sapienza University, two additional doctoral scholarships are funded.

3 ottobre la memoria degli oggetti
With Carta di Roma to create a commemorative exhibition with items belonging to the victims of the shipwreck of 3 October 2013

Protect people, not borders – L’Europa inizia a Lampedusa
Offering young people opportunities to delve into issues of welcoming, remembrance, migration, and cultural integration.

GIVE ME FIVE – Attivare alleanze educative attorno alla scuola
With Oxfam Italy to counter the phenomenon of educational poverty.

Circoli Rifugio – Più corridoi per la libertà
With ARCI, supporting humanitarian corridors for refugees fleeing Libya and Afghanistan, providing them with protection and reception in Italy.

Emuna Italy
Promoting the interfaith and intercultural dialogue program “EMUNA,” organized by the LUISS Institute for European Analysis and Policy (LEAP).

DREAM: Protection for the vulnerable population of Beira 2024
Protecting the population in Beira, Mozambique, especially individuals with specific vulnerabilities.

Scholarships for the School of Arts and Crafts at the Fabbrica di San Pietro
Training program for young artisans.