
Raising awareness, informing, and educating teachers and young generations on climate change.

In progress Environment

Starting date

1 July 2024


24 months

Realized by:

Vitamina C – Società cooperativa


Support and enhance climate action by strengthening the identification and support of concrete and innovative solutions, and promoting education for sustainable, fair, and inclusive development.

Develop and implement a climate education and training program targeted at teachers and young students.

Strengthen the capacity of schools to develop climate-friendly practices and behaviors by sharing new skills on climate change issues.

Promote the alignment of secondary school curricula with climate change and environmental sustainability topics.

Climate change is one of the main global challenges of our time, with European countries showing a clear interest and willingness to develop tools and strategies to counteract its negative impacts on society.

However, the perception of climate change still has many critical points: despite the increasing visibility of extreme events, climate change is often perceived as an abstract concept, difficult to relate to everyday life, leading to a lack of action and appropriate measures to address it.

The “Climattiviamoci” project stems from the difficulties in communication, awareness-raising, and engagement of civil society, particularly young people. Schools are the best place to achieve goals related to communicating climate risk. Schools represent a living laboratory to initiate a real process of change starting with the younger generations, addressing climate change from various perspectives: science, mathematics, language arts, and social studies.

The general aim of the project is to provide tools and skills to teachers, professors, and young students in secondary schools to raise awareness, inform, and educate them on climate change.