Ancora natura per il Col di Lana

This project is implemented over 150 hectares of forest on Mount Col di Lana, in the Veneto region, which was severely affected by storm Adrian (also known as Vaia) in 2018.

In progress Environment

Starting date

1 August 2022


24 months

Realized by:

Associazione PEFC Italia


Stabilizing the slopes hit by storm Adrian (Vaia) by removing fallen trees over an area of 150 hectares, thus fostering natural renovation.

Reforesting the slopes by planting 420 trees and restoring the area and its trails, also with a view to stimulating tourism, training and meditation.

Drafting information materials and organizing events to raise awareness among citizens and companies and raise funds for the continuation of project activities.

Organizing lectures and meetings in local high schools to explain to students the role of woods and forests in the environment of the Col di Lana area, the role of nature in combating climate change and good environmental practices that can be implemented daily.

The project follows a previous global action promoted by PEFC Italy and Rete Clima to stabilize and reforest the mountain areas hit by devastating storm Adrian (Vaia) on October 26-30, 2018.The storm impacted part of the woods in Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and the area of Col di Lana in particular. There are still many fallen trees on the ground, which causes slope instability and hydrogeological problems.

Part of the fallen trees will be removed and processed by local forestry companies to the advantage of the community. New trees will also be planted in the area to create a more resilient wood compared to the pre-existing one.

Restoring the damaged areas will also reactivate tourist activities, which decreased after the storm because trails were unusable. New paths will be created to enhance natural and landscape aspects of the area, so that it can become a place for reflection, spirituality and knowledge.

Therefore the project aims at bringing about sustainability in environmental, economic and social terms:

  • Ambientale grazie al ripristino delle aree danneggiate, andando quindi a creare una formazione forestale più consona alla zona geografica e pedologica, assicurando una miglior risposta nei confronti di eventi estremi, ripristinando la biodiversità e quindi contribuendo alla lotta ai cambiamenti climatici;
  • Economica perché le operazioni saranno affidate ad imprese boschive ed artigiani della zona — e tali introiti permetteranno anche la prosecuzione delle attività di riforestazione;
  • Sociale perché grazie alla ripresa del turismo verranno raccontate la tempesta e il suo impatto devastante, l’influenza dei cambiamenti climatici e l’importanza di una gestione forestale sostenibile. Inoltre, l’affluenza turistica veicolata anche dai nuovi percorsi garantirà entrate economiche per alimentare la fragile economia montana.

The restoration of the forest destroyed by storm Adrian (Vaia) will therefore be an important starting point for the area and the community that experienced first hand the damage of global warming.

Local organizations participating in the project:
The project is implemented in partnership with Rete Clima — one of the first Italian organizations implementing projects about emission compensations — and with Coldiretti Belluno, which represents the area benefiting from the project and the local community of people and companies.