Comunità di pratica blu

Empower local communities of youth, women, fishery operators, artists, and researchers in promoting interspecies harmony.

In progress Environment

Starting date

14 May 2024


18 months

Realized by:

Centro Itard Lombardia S.r.l. Impresa sociale


Establish a collaborative process among fishery operators for practices and methods of collecting marine plastic waste and its onshore disposal.

Through workshops with artists and experts, empower youth as active witnesses of knowledge and ethical behaviors in defense and protection of marine biodiversity and its landscape.

“Comunità di pratica blu” draws inspiration from the term koinótes, used by the new environmentalism to describe a fully interconnected and interdependent network among all forms of life, both animate and inanimate, on Earth. This concept forms the basis for building a new equilibrium that allows us to move beyond the Anthropocene. The project advocates for an organic and political humanitarian environmentalism, working towards interspecies balance and harmony, with the community playing an active role in this transformation.

The project, fueled by the synergy among the involved communities (women in fisheries, coastal mayors, the education sector and youth, scientific researchers, and artists focused on the relationship between the environment, climate change, and interspecies coexistence), unfolds through three main actions:

1. Promotion of educational activities on topics such as: Mediterranean oceanization phenomena; potential green energy from the sea; management of dispersed plastics; protection of fish migration routes affected by climate change; and the coexistence of human and non-human species. This awareness and education campaign is carried out through artistic performances and scientific explorations, including dedicated video productions.

2. Facilitation of discussion and workshops with women working in fisheries, who play a crucial role in transmitting knowledge and sustainable economic practices, particularly in aquaculture and small-scale fishing traditions.

3. Promotion of participatory actions aimed at involving institutional, cultural, and economic stakeholders, encouraging lasting contributions to the management of dispersed plastics along the coast and in the sea.