Costruire futuri: Promuovere la pace attraverso l’Educazione 

Promoting peace through non-formal education and protection initiatives in the city of Raqqa, Syria.  

In progress Human rights

Starting date

1 September 2024


12 months

Realized by:

Un Ponte Per


Address current educational gaps and social insecurities within local communities by increasing safe and sustainable access to non-formal education services, empowerment activities, and peacebuilding for children, women, and girls in Raqqa.

Integrate non-formal education with protection measures to enhance the development and safety of vulnerable populations, particularly women, girls, and children.

The humanitarian situation in Northeast Syria continues to deteriorate, with severe shortages in essential services, including education. The lack of adequate educational facilities and high service costs are among the main causes of school dropouts. Unemployment and poverty prevent families from supporting their children’s access to education.  

This project provides non-formal education services to children and adolescents in Raqqa, helping them reintegrate into the formal school system. Additionally, literacy courses will be offered to caregivers, primarily women, to improve educational support for children and increase economic opportunities.  

The project will be implemented in Raqqa, utilizing existing resources and collaborating with local communities to ensure sustainability.  

To improve the quality of education and the safety of beneficiaries, the project includes support for safe spaces in Raqqa for children, adolescents, and women. These spaces provide educational and recreational activities, as well as psychosocial support.  

Additionally, the project aims to establish a secure referral system to manage cases of gender-based violence (GBV) and child protection (CP), ensuring effective coordination among operators and timely, appropriate responses to beneficiaries’ needs.  The project will offer free transportation for children and women from peri-urban areas of Raqqa, ensuring their safe access to courses, reducing safety risks related to travel, and increasing participation. Public initiatives on peacebuilding and non-violent conflict resolution will strengthen the social fabric and encourage active resident participation.