Storia del pacifismo italiano

Creating an online portal dedicated to the history and collective thought of Italian Pacifism.

In progress Education

Starting date

26 April 2024


9 months

Realized by:

Arci Nazionale


Collaborate in building the memory of the Italian pacifist movement.

Make the history of the Italian pacifist movement accessible to new generations.

Initiate a collection of documents (articles, videos, testimonies, audio) related to the Italian pacifist movement.

Promote awareness meetings on the importance of memory in shaping the future of the Italian pacifist movement.

The project involves the creation of an online portal where users can easily explore the history and collective thought of Italian pacifism.

Through a selection of materials in various formats, the portal will gather existing articles, books, videos, photos, audio, interviews, testimonies, and music, which are currently available in fragmented and dispersed forms. It will also generate new content, such as testimonies and accounts of individual experiences. The portal will be organized into chapters, pages, and subpages, allowing for different levels of engagement and depth. While focused on Italian pacifism, it will also include necessary connections to pacifism and civil society movements in other countries and continents.