Youth for Love 2

Contributing to the prevention and counteraction of peer violence, with a focus on gender-based violence, starting from the educational community and schools.

In progress Education

Starting date

1 February 2024


18 months

Realized by:

ActionAid Italy


Develop an Integrated Educational Program in lower and upper secondary schools to help identify, prevent, and counteract violence among teenagers.

Raise awareness among teachers, students, parents, and local institutions about the consequences of peer violence and gender-based violence, the necessary preventive measures to be implemented in schools, and the youth-led initiatives to support and promote.

The project “Youth for Love”, now in its second year, aims to prevent and combat peer violence, particularly gender-based violence, starting with schools and the broader educational community.

Data from the Ipsos survey produced in the first year of the project provides an in-depth look at the issue of peer and gender-based violence, confirming the need to address violence, including bullying and cyberbullying, which especially affects those under 14.

Reflecting on the need to intervene in peripheral areas of Italy that present different issues and dynamics of violence, and that require further investigation, the project proposes an open call to engage new schools interested in participating.

An additional development in this second year is the direct involvement of parental figures (parents and/or guardians) to ensure the engagement of the entire educational community.