2023 Campaign

2023 Campaign

The thematic areas and general objectives for using 8×1000 funds in 2023 are in line with the work carried out in the first three years of activity, with a view to giving continuity and strength to the possible educational, social and environmental impacts of the interventions.

Based on the indications and priorities identified in Daisaku Ikeda’s Peace Proposals, the National Council of the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai has decided to keep focusing on the following areas of intervention:

  • Human Rights. Interventions to support the utmost protection of human rights and the right to a free and decent life. These will be especially aimed at some social categories who are particularly affected by the current crisis at various levels, especially refugees, women and young people.

  • Education. Supporting processes that strengthen the use of dialogue and mutual respect as tools to approach others, get to know them and set common goals in the areas of peace, solidarity and respect for diversity, and that result in coherent actions. In this sense, education as a topic may be included in and applied to various contexts.

  • Environment. Promoting actions to protect the natural environment, and in particular to combat climate change. Raising individuals’ awareness on this issue by supporting the direct engagement of local communities.

  • Culture. Supporting projects that foster individuals’ creativity and free self-expression, as well as projects that protect artistic heritage and cultural exchanges, combating any form of prejudice and promoting friendship between peoples.

Discover projects

In progress

Dottorato in peace studies

As part of the 40th cycle of the PhD Program in Peace Studies at Sapienza University, two additional doctoral scholarships are funded.

In progress

GIVE ME FIVE – Attivare alleanze educative attorno alla scuola

With Oxfam Italy to counter the phenomenon of educational poverty.

In progress

Circoli Rifugio – Più corridoi per la libertà

With ARCI, supporting humanitarian corridors for refugees fleeing Libya and Afghanistan, providing them with protection and reception in Italy.

In progress

DREAM: Protection for the vulnerable population of Beira 2024

Protecting the population in Beira, Mozambique, especially individuals with specific vulnerabilities.

In progress

Community Matching 2024

With UNHCR Italy, communities and refugees together for integration and social cohesion.

In progress

Medicina dei diritti in Africa

With Emergency to address the inequity of the global health care system.

In progress

Piramidi nel Blu

With Associazione Martin Pescatori, enhancing the ecological status of marine-coastal ecosystems and marine biodiversity.

In progress


Transforming the human spirit for a world free from nuclear weapons. Striving for empowerment and peace education.

In progress

In&Aut. A lavoro per l’inclusione – Phase II

Enhancing the resilience of NEET youth with physical and mental vulnerabilities. Leaving no one behind.

In progress

Diverse specie per un solo pianeta

With Vitadacani ODV to save animals in distress.

In progress

Sostegno alle vittime di violenza familiare – Refuge LGBT+. Phase II

Together with Gay Center to support young victims of violence and abuse within their family unit.

In progress

Spazio Plus – Arcobaleno

With the Italian Red Cross, protecting the social and labor rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals.

In progress

Cambio io, cambia il mondo

With the Italian Buddhist Institute Soka Gakkai, support the inner transformation to make each and every one a protagonist in the challenge against climate change.

In progress

Il libro delle ombre (Documentary)

Create a docufilm to reflect on the themes of memory and peace.

In progress

Progetto in supporto ai braccianti agricoli in Campania, Calabria e Sicilia

With Emergency to support agricultural labourers in severe conditions of vulnerability

In progress


With Vitamina C, promoting climate empowerment actions aimed at teachers and young students.

In progress

Youth for Love 2

Together with ActionAid Italia to prevent gender-based violence among teenagers.

In progress

Studenti e cambiamenti climatici: un percorso immersivo e sensoriale

With VIS, promoting an immersive and sensory, traveling journey on the theme of climate change.

In progress

3 R per il Mare

With Fondazione Marevivo ETS, Regenerate, Recover, and Respect the submerged meadows of Posidonia oceanica.

In progress

Storia del pacifismo italiano

With Arci, making the history of the Italian pacifist movement accessible to new generations.

In progress

Langhe a scuola: azioni e voci per il clima

With Source International ONLUS, deepening the environmental knowledge of children, teenagers, and teachers.

In progress

DOTi: Diritti e Opportunità per tutte e tutti 3

Supporting children at risk of school exclusion. Realized by Save The Children Italy.


Insegnare Educazione alla cittadinanza globale all’università

With WeWorld, promoting the approach of Global Citizenship Education among university students.

In progress

Comunità di pratica blu

With Centro Itard, promoting balance and interspecies harmony.

In progress

Diritto a vivere in un pianeta più sano. Bambin3 e giovan3 felici e contenti

With Fondazione MAGIS to raise awareness among the school population on climate and sustainable development issues.

In progress

Ecosistema DUNA

With Legambiente Festambiente, restoring the dunal strips in the province of Grosseto.

In progress

Participation 4 Change: Persone al centro del cambiamento

With Mani Tese, promoting active community participation to combat climate change.

In progress

I giardini incantati del mare

With Ubica to protect endangered marine species.