What contribution did the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai (IBISG) give to combat the COVID-19 pandemic?
In March 2020, having understood the importance of timely action to support the Italian society in the first phase of interventions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the IBISG gave extraordinary authorization to sending 500,000 euro to the Italian Civil Protection right away. Those didn’t come from 8×1000 funds, but from own funds (from voluntary contributions or offerings.)
Here you can learn the difference between voluntary contributions (offerings) to the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai (IBISG) and 8×1000 funds.
At the same time, the National Council of the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai voted to use all 8×1000 funds for 2020 to tackle the COVID emergency and its social and economic repercussions.
The projects we assigned a contribution to include activities in favor of the following:
- children at risk for exclusion in education, especially in families and neighborhoods that are facing social and economic difficulties;
- women who are victims of domestic violence and their children; given the 70% increase in abuse in families during lockdowns, they are in urgent need for protection and tools to become independent;
- elderly people who are isolated, at risk for contagion, and with special home care needs;
- homeless people who are excluded from shelters due to cuts in the number of available beds;
- medical staff and COVID-19 patients, for testing prevention protocols;
- nursing staff affected by COVID-19 in terms of health conditions, rehabilitation and quarantining costs, or even support to the families of the deceased.
Furthermore, about a third of the 2020 funds was earmarked as “funds to be assigned”, so as to be able to decide at a later date on any new priority that should emerge during the crisis and offer concrete and timely support in line with the needs manifested in society.
To learn about our projects see this dedicated page. If necessary, you can contact our 8×1000 Office directly.