How do I assign my 8×1000?

In order to assign the 8×1000 of your income tax, you just need to sign your name in the box indicating the name of the beneficiary of your choice.

To express your preference correctly there is NO need to include the fiscal code of the beneficiary. Your signature in the right box is sufficient (see an example).

Form 730-1 and 8×1000 beneficiaries

Form 730-1 is entirely dedicated to 8×1000. The upper part must be filled in with the taxpayer’s data, while the lower part includes the list of possible beneficiaries. Only one entity can be chosen from the list of those that have signed an Agreement with the Italian State.

Filling in this form is mandatory; however, indicating your preference is not. In case no choice is indicated, your percentage will be redistributed proportionately to the preferences expressed by the other taxpayers.

Click here to see the list of all 8×1000 beneficiaries.

Learn how to assign your 8×1000 to the IBISG.