In progress

Comunità di pratica blu

With Centro Itard, promoting balance and interspecies harmony.


Programma di sviluppo sostenibile in Haiti

Supporting farmers’ organizations particularly affected by the earthquake in Haiti.

In progress

Diritto a vivere in un pianeta più sano. Bambin3 e giovan3 felici e contenti

With Fondazione MAGIS to raise awareness among the school population on climate and sustainable development issues.

In progress

Ecosistema DUNA

With Legambiente Festambiente, restoring the dunal strips in the province of Grosseto.


Supporto medico in Ucraina

Guaranteeing healthcare and primary goods to 8,000 families in 40 shelters in central Ukraine. .


Assistenza sanitaria in Yemen

In collaboration with Intersos. Reducing mortality in Yemen by guaranteeing high-quality healthcare services to civilians.

In progress

Participation 4 Change: Persone al centro del cambiamento

With Mani Tese, promoting active community participation to combat climate change.


Corridoi umanitari dall’Afghanistan

With Arci providing shelter to people who are fleeing the Afghan regime.

In progress

I giardini incantati del mare

With Ubica to protect endangered marine species.


“Spazi Comuni” — Community Matching

In collaboration with UNHCR, developing and promoting the integration of refugees in Italy.

In progress

Maschile Plurale

Promoting change and men’s awareness to contribute to the fight against gender-based violence.

In progress

Meccanismi della malattia Covid-19

A study of genetic factors responsible for COVID-19. An advanced, networking approach in collaboration with Istituto Mario Negri.