Studenti e cambiamenti climatici: un percorso immersivo e sensoriale

Promoting behaviors and forms of participation by students, educators, and citizens to protect the environment and combat climate change.

In progress Environment

Starting date

26 April 2024


12 months

Realized by:

Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo


Develop and implement climate education and training programs aimed at specific groups such as young people and local communities to enhance their understanding of climate issues and their ability to take concrete actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Strengthen the capacity of communities to develop and implement climate action plans by creating knowledge exchange networks and promoting public participation processes.

Promote the knowledge and dissemination of low-carbon technologies and innovative solutions for climate change adaptation through public awareness and education, creating knowledge exchange networks between the public and private sectors, and promoting public-private partnerships.

“Students and Climate Change: An Immersive and Sensory Journey” aims to promote behaviors and forms of participation to protect the environment and combat climate change. It targets 3,500 secondary school students from 7 Italian municipalities, 140 teachers, 35 specially trained educators, and about 1,000 citizens.

The project includes the creation of an online educational platform and an immersive and sensory, traveling exhibition on the theme of climate change. These innovative and participatory activities use digital and immersive technologies familiar to young people.

The web platform offers quiz duels, class challenges on climate change and the 2030 agenda, and eco-tasks—concrete actions in the local area for environmental sustainability.

The immersive and sensory exhibition is a journey that employs a dual engagement strategy: a “human-centered” installation that projects 180-degree images accompanied by sounds to stimulate emotional reactions, and a role-playing game where students, guided by facilitators, experience the consequences of climate change using their five senses.