In progress

Ecosistema DUNA

With Legambiente Festambiente, restoring the dunal strips in the province of Grosseto.

In progress

Participation 4 Change: Persone al centro del cambiamento

With Mani Tese, promoting active community participation to combat climate change.

In progress

I giardini incantati del mare

With Ubica to protect endangered marine species.

In progress

Youth4Climate: Call for solutions

With UNDP Italy to tackle the climate emergency by supporting innovative solutions implemented by young people around the world.

In progress

Il verde in città

Restoring an abandoned green area to turn it into a public space for citizens.

In progress

ALL – Agro Living Lab Ponticelli

Creating new green spaces for inclusion, sharing and active citizenship in the Campania region.

In progress

AGES – AGroforesta Ecologica Sociale

Implementing an agroforestry system on land confiscated from organized crime.

In progress


Building an innovative and inclusive place by recovering abandoned fields and fostering the growth of the local community.


Energia solare in Mozambico

In collaboration with Fondazione AVSI, promoting the economic development of rural populations in Africa through access to renewable energy.

In progress

Fotovoltaico sostenibile in Burundi

Supporting local communities by guaranteeing their right to access energy and drinkable water.