Il verde in città

The project aims at regenerating a 14,000 m2 abandoned green area to turn it into a public space for the citizens of Pescarola (Bologna).
In progress Education Environment

Starting date

1 February 2023


24 months

Realized by:

Associazione Libertà Era Restare


Planting a strip of trees and shrubs which will help depolluting soil and air.

Designing and implementing a 2,000 m2 social vegetable garden in a single area, with a view to fostering socializing and training activities and solidarity among neighbors. The garden produce will be distributed to individuals and families in need.

Organizing workshops for children and co-design and woodwork activities to stimulate the citizens’ active contribution to the space they live in: they will build park furniture that people can use to rest, meet and gather, and tools for the gardeners.

Supporting the creation and activities of the committee called “Cittadini residenti comparto Agucchi/Zanardi” (Resident Citizens of the Agucchi/Zanardi district) and organizing public events and training activities for citizens.

The project covers the public space of the public housing district of via Agucchi-via Zanardi, and in particular a 14,000 m2 green area that has never been used so far.

This area is very close to large infrastructures such as the airport, the bypass road, the highway and the high-speed railway line linking Bologna to Padua. It is highly affected by acoustic pollution and the people living there are mainly foreigners, low-income families, adults and elderly people living in isolation..

These environmental, social and economic conditions – which have become chronic over the years and worsened because of the pandemic – often lead to conflicts, challenging relations, a climate of widespread mistrust in the neighborhood, vandalizing and a general lack of interest in the neighborhood and its public spaces, where many feel they don’t belong.

The project intends to regenerate the green area in via Agucchi (Bologna) so as to turn it into a public space for the citizens of Pescarola, a place they can take care of over time, maintaining and preserving it from degradation and abandonment. This aims at enhancing and developing existing competences and foster a sense of collaboration and care for the environment.