Educazione alla Pace in Ucraina

Promoting resilience to war trauma in the Ukrainian civil society and supporting the action of Ukrainian civilians for non-violent resistance and bottom-up peace-building, by bringing their voice to national and international institutions and rallying the European civil society to support them.

In progress Education Human rights

Starting date

1 February 2023


12 months

Realized by:

Un Ponte Per


Strengthening the ability of Ukrainian youth, civil society and education institutions to organize peace-building activities and first-aid interventions in trauma management.

Analyzing and granting international visibility to social cohesion and non-violence actions implemented in Ukraine during the war, as well as to the main peace-building needs, rallying the European civil society and institutions to support them.

Supporting Ukrainian youth and civil society organizations in implementing campaigns that expose the country’s population and government to narratives of peace, non-violence and resilience to trauma.

The project will also strengthen peace-building and non-violence capacities and programs by local and national authorities in Ukraine, including in the areas recently freed from Russia and most affected by the war. It will improve the collaborative peace-building efforts of the EU, international organizations and partners to increase their support to activities on common security, social cohesion and resilience, recovery from trauma and non-violence in Ukraine.
This is one of very few peace-building projects active in Ukraine, where unfortunately the international community is investing in sending weapons rather than in the peoples’ potential for conflict transformation.

The project has three main lines of action:
1. Peace-Building Program in Ukraine
2. Youth, Peace Education & Empowerment
3. Strengthening Non-Violent Resistance to War and Military Occupation

In particular:
550 young Ukrainians will be supported and receive training in peace-building, social cohesion, social-emotional learning, dialogue facilitation, resilience to trauma and leadership.
500 schools will acquire capacity for peace education and trauma-informed education in collaboration with the Ukrainian Ministry of Education.
20 school groups will build capacity for trauma-informed education and peace education through workshops and coaching.
5,000 young Ukrainians will be reached by online information campaigns on peace-building among young people in Ukraine.
20 Ukrainian peace-builders, local government authorities and organizations will be supported through advanced courses in peace-building and strategic planning.
20 national and international organizations will participate in the online conference on youth and recovery in Ukraine and the conference on youth, peace and recovery in Kiev.
At least 32 online meetings will be organized on psychological first-aid in case of stress and trauma, as well as group meetings and individual work.
A continuous communication campaign against the war will reach more than 50,000 people through social media messaging.