
Salviamo i nostri anziani

Together with Comunità di Sant’Egidio, we break the chain of fragility and isolation for the elderly. The project is active in 11 Italian regions.


DREAM: fighting HIV, cancer and malnutrition in Beira

Protecting the population in Beira, Mozambique, especially individuals with specific vulnerabilities.



In collaboration with Fondazione Pangea, we support women who are victims of violence and their children.


Youth for Love

In collaboration with ActionAid Italy to prevent gender-based violence among teens.

In progress

Il verde in città

Restoring an abandoned green area to turn it into a public space for citizens.


Azione di contrasto al Covid-19

Telemedicine and training for healthcare workers. An experimental prevention project carried out by Medicins Sans Frontières.


Creare un ambiente protetto ad Aleppo

In collaboration with Terre des Hommes, protecting children in the Syrian crisis and increasing the community’s capacity for resilience.


Educazione alla Pace in Ucraina

Fostering civil society’s resilience and supporting youth action in Ukraine. A project carried out with Un Ponte Per.



Raising funds to support nurses affected by the Coronavirus emergency and their families. A sign of gratitude, a concrete action.

In progress

ALL – Agro Living Lab Ponticelli

Creating new green spaces for inclusion, sharing and active citizenship in the Campania region.

In progress

AGES – AGroforesta Ecologica Sociale

Implementing an agroforestry system on land confiscated from organized crime.



Transforming the human spirit for a world free from nuclear weapons. Striving for empowerment and peace education.