2021 Campaign

2021 Campaign

Press release, April 6, 2022

The National Council of the Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai has approved the proposal of the 8×1000 Commission to allocate a million euro for the ongoing humanitarian emergencies. 600,000 euro will be used for the emergency in Ukraine, while 200,000 euro for Syria and another 200,000 for Yemen.

The Commission is working to identify the first recipients of the intervention in Ukraine providing initial reception, psychological support, essential goods, support to school-aged children and human corridors.

The intervention in Syria aims at giving a contribution to those 14.6 million Syrians that are in need of humanitarian assistance, out of a population of 17 million. In Syria almost 90% of the population lives below the poverty threshold, while more than 1/3 live in extreme poverty and every day face a ceaseless struggle to survive. The sharp increase in food costs has led to food insecurity for millions of Syrians, as they don’t know how to guarantee the next meal to their children.

After 7 years of war in Yemen, we are facing one of the worst humanitarian crises ever: more than 2 million children under the age of 5 suffer from acute malnutrition, and 20.7 million refugees are fleeing from violence. The Istituto has decided to contribute to alleviating the pain of those who suffer every day the worst consequences of this never-ending war.

The Istituto Buddista Italiano Soka Gakkai has identified the areas of intervention for developing and financing projects through 8×1000 funds for 2021 — consistent with the content of the Peace Proposal sent by Soka Gakkai International President Daisaku Ikeda to the United Nations. These include: human rights, environment, education, culture and research.

The aftermath of the Coronavirus emergency is still focused on, particularly in terms of unemployment, domestic violence, and exclusion in education. At the same time, looking closely at the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the following are considered primary goals at a global level: environmental protection and an inclusive education focusing on human rights, training and disarmament.

Both in Italy and abroad, priority is given to actions with a sustainable perspective, that can promote networks of collaboration and partnerships based on dialogue, fostering the empowerment of individuals and stimulating their creative coexistence in local communities.

Discover projects


Da discarica a bosco urbano

Decontaminating the Aguzzano regional park, giving it back to local citizens and turning it into a beautiful and enjoyable place in harmony with nature.

In progress


Building an innovative and inclusive place by recovering abandoned fields and fostering the growth of the local community.

In progress

Ancora natura per il Col di Lana

Rebuilding the wood that was destroyed by storm Adrian (Vaia), the symbol of global warming damage in Italy.


Programma di sviluppo sostenibile in Haiti

Supporting farmers’ organizations particularly affected by the earthquake in Haiti.


Supporto medico in Ucraina

Guaranteeing healthcare and primary goods to 8,000 families in 40 shelters in central Ukraine. .


Assistenza sanitaria in Yemen

In collaboration with Intersos. Reducing mortality in Yemen by guaranteeing high-quality healthcare services to civilians.


Corridoi umanitari dall’Afghanistan

With Arci providing shelter to people who are fleeing the Afghan regime.



Together with the Community of Sant'Egidio to ensure the welfare of the most vulnerable populations in Mozambique.


Spazi sicuri in Siria

In collaboration with Un Ponte Per, providing women and children in Syria with life-saving services and empowerment. Supporting the people who are most affected by the conflict.


Protezione dei rifugiati in Polonia

Strengthening the community basic response in favor of refugees from Ukraine, and tackling the lack of social services. Terre des Hommes Italy


In & Aut. Al lavoro per l’inclusione

Increasing the resilience of physically and mentally vulnerable NEET youth. So that no one is left behind.


Spazi Comuni per l’Ucraina

Promoting the inclusion of Ukrainian refugees in Italy now. The project is being implemented with UNHCR.

In progress

Giovani NEET per la sostenibilità

In collaboration with Associazione Salam, fostering youth participation in social and work contexts.

In progress

Fotovoltaico sostenibile in Burundi

Supporting local communities by guaranteeing their right to access energy and drinkable water.


Energia solare in Mozambico

In collaboration with Fondazione AVSI, promoting the economic development of rural populations in Africa through access to renewable energy.


Protezione dell’infanzia ad Haiti

Creating a protective environment for children without parental protection in Haiti.


A scuola di Pace in Ucraina

Fostering civil society’s resilience and supporting youth action in Ukraine. A project carried out with Un Ponte Per.


Protezione dell’infanzia in Siria

In collaboration with Terre des Hommes, protecting children in the Syrian crisis and increasing the community’s capacity for resilience.


Doti: diritti e opportunità per tutte e tutti

In favor of children who are at risk for exclusion in education. A project implemented by Save The Children Italy.


Spazi Comuni

Together with UNHCR, developing and promoting the integration of refugees in Italy.



Transforming the human spirit for a world free from nuclear weapons. Striving for empowerment and peace education.