2022 Campaign

2022 Campaign

While our interventions are all based on the absolute value of the protection and respect for the dignity of life, the following thematic areas of intervention will be the basis to select the projects for 2022: Education, Environment, Nuclear Disarmament, Humanitarian Emergencies, Human Rights.

These areas are are strictly interconnected. The more a project succeeds in keeping a global vision and including actions with an all-around impact, the more effective it will be.

The subjects that should receive maximum attention are young people, women, children, fragile people, and refugees. Therefore, every intervention will focus on these, not through exclusive and separate paths but activating inclusive and articulated processes that can enhance every specificity.

Networking, cooperation, dialogue, and research are the strategic, cross-cutting instruments to be applied in every type of action.

Discover projects


3 ottobre la memoria degli oggetti

With Carta di Roma to create a commemorative exhibition with items belonging to the victims of the shipwreck of 3 October 2013


Corridoi umanitari dall’Afghanistan

With Arci providing shelter to people who are fleeing the Afghan regime.


“Spazi Comuni” — Community Matching

In collaboration with UNHCR, developing and promoting the integration of refugees in Italy.

In progress

Youth4Climate: Call for solutions

With UNDP Italy to tackle the climate emergency by supporting innovative solutions implemented by young people around the world.

In progress

Climate Change? We act the change

In collaboration with Fondazione ACRA to strengthen the environmental conscience of younger generations.

In progress

Maschile Plurale

Promoting change and men’s awareness to contribute to the fight against gender-based violence.


Accoglienza per LGBT+ vittime di violenza

Supporting young victims of violence and abuse in their families with Gay center.


Spazi sicuri in Siria

In collaboration with Un Ponte Per, providing women and children in Syria with life-saving services and empowerment. Supporting the people who are most affected by the conflict.


Doti: diritti e opportunità per tutte e tutti

In favor of children who are at risk for exclusion in education. Carried out by Save The Children Italy.


A Europe of rights

"A Europe of rights" provides new generations with opportunities to discuss and analyze issues such as acceptance, remembrance, migration and cultural integration.


Assistenza sanitaria in Yemen

Granting access to primary health care services to the people affected by the conflict in Yemen.


DREAM: fighting HIV, cancer and malnutrition in Beira

Protecting the population in Beira, Mozambique, especially individuals with specific vulnerabilities.



In collaboration with Fondazione Pangea, we support women who are victims of violence and their children.


Youth for Love

In collaboration with ActionAid Italy to prevent gender-based violence among teens.

In progress

Il verde in città

Restoring an abandoned green area to turn it into a public space for citizens.


Creare un ambiente protetto ad Aleppo

In collaboration with Terre des Hommes, protecting children in the Syrian crisis and increasing the community’s capacity for resilience.


Educazione alla Pace in Ucraina

Fostering civil society’s resilience and supporting youth action in Ukraine. A project carried out with Un Ponte Per.

In progress

ALL – Agro Living Lab Ponticelli

Creating new green spaces for inclusion, sharing and active citizenship in the Campania region.

In progress

AGES – AGroforesta Ecologica Sociale

Implementing an agroforestry system on land confiscated from organized crime.



Transforming the human spirit for a world free from nuclear weapons. Striving for empowerment and peace education.